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رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
الصورة الرمزية nona queen
nona queen
ارثوذكسي برونزى
nona queen غير متواجد حالياً
رقم العضوية : 42730
تاريخ التسجيل : Dec 2008
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 3,068
عدد النقاط : 29
قوة التقييم : nona queen is on a distinguished road
اسماء من العهد القديم بالترجمه ومعانيها 2

كُتب : [ 03-11-2009 - 10:06 PM ]

Biblical Name - Ahijah
Christian meaning of name - (the Lord's brother) He was the prophet
God used to tell Jeroboam that the Lord was about to rip the kingdom
from out of king Solomon's hands. God said through Ahijah; that
Jeroboam would get ten out of the twelve tribes, but God will leave
king Solomon with one.

Biblical Name - Ahimelech
Christian meaning of name (the king is my brother) - He was a high
priest that became friends with King David

Biblical Name - Asa
Christian meaning of name (created) - He was the first king of Judah
that was God fearing. He reigned for forty-one years. He lead Judah
in revival and was known as a great builder. He later died from a
foot disease, that he would not take to God, so He could heal him.

Biblical Name - Bathsheba
Christian meaning of name - (daughter of the oath) - She was the
daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah. King David's took her as
his wife after he had her husband Uriah killed. She later gave birth
to King David son - king Solomon. King David's family was cursed by
God because of his actions and relationship with Bathsheba

Biblical Name - Caleb
Christian meaning of name - (dog) - He was one of two faithful spies
along with Joshua who brought back the report that Canaan could
easily be taken, with the Lord's help of course.

Biblical Name - Darius
Christian meaning of name - (he who upholds the good) - He was a
governor of Persia during Daniels ministry.

Biblical Name - Deborah
Christian meaning of name (bee) - Before there were kings there were
judges which she was. She was also known as a prophetess who helped
Barak defeat the Canaanites. Note: There were only two people out of
who held the position of a judge that were also called prophets. She
was one and Samuel was the other.
More Information

Biblical Name - David
Christian meaning of name - (Hero) - He was the boy who killed the
Philistines greatest champion Goliath, who later became Israel's
greatest King. Also, he is the only King in the Bible to be called
King by our awesome God.


اخيا الشيلونى:
معناه اخ الرب وقد كان نبيا لله والذى اخبر يربعام ان الرب سوف يمزق المملكه من يد الملك سليمان ويعطيه عشره اسباط ويكون للملك سليمان واولاده من بعده سبط واحد

معناه الملك اخى وقد كان الكاهن الاعلى فى عهد شاول والذى اصبح صديق للملك داود بعد ذلك

أسا :
معناه خلاق وقد كان ملك على يهوذا وعمل المستقيم فى عينى الرب وقد قام بهدم الالهه الغريبه وكان من امهر البنائيين حيث تم فى عهده بناء مدن حصينه فى يهوذا وقد مرض فى ساقه فى اواخر ايامه ولكنه مات لانه لم يلجا الى الرب ليشفيه بل لجا الى الاطباء

معناها ابنه اليمين او القسم وقد كانت ابنه البعام وزوجه اوريا الحثى وقد اخطا معها داود واضطجع معها ولما مات اوريا فى الحرب اتخذها داود زوجه له وقد انجبت له الملك سليمان فيما بعد ولكن غضب عليه الرب من اجل خطيته معها

بمعنى الكلب وقد كان احد الجاسوسين المخلصيين لدى جوشوا والذى قدم تقرير ان كنعان سوف تقع بايديهم بمعونه الرب

معناه الذى يملك حسنات وقد كان حاكم بابل خلال وجود دانيال كوزير وقد امر بوضعه فى جب الاسود

دبوره :
معناها النحل وقبل وجود الملوك كانت قاضيه على اسرائيل وقد كانت نبيه ايضا وقد ساعدت باراق ابن ابينوعم على هزيمه الكنعانيين

معناه البطل وقد هزم جوليات الفلسطينى الجبار وفيما بعد اصبح ملك عظيم على شعب اسرائيل وهو الملك الوحيد الذى اختاره الرب واحبه كثيرا لان قلب داود كان مع الرب طوال ايام حياته

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