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قصةانجيليزية تألفى انا والعضو astra 9500

انا حتى القصة دى انا عامل علاها اعلان فا توقيعى انا هعمل copy و paste من نسخة الطباعة اللى احنا استخدمناها فى البيع بتباع ب5 جنيه بس فى ناس قدروها

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رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
الصورة الرمزية captin . macmillan
captin . macmillan
ارثوذكسي شغال
captin . macmillan غير متواجد حالياً
رقم العضوية : 27405
تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2008
مكان الإقامة :
عدد المشاركات : 86
عدد النقاط : 10
قوة التقييم : captin . macmillan is on a distinguished road
New Asa قصةانجيليزية تألفى انا والعضو astra 9500

كُتب : [ 08-16-2009 - 01:17 AM ]

انا حتى القصة دى انا عامل علاها اعلان فا توقيعى انا هعمل copy و paste من نسخة الطباعة اللى احنا استخدمناها فى البيع بتباع ب5 جنيه بس فى ناس قدروها ب20 جنية وهى من سلسلة قصص احنا عملنها بس دى تأليف كامل ليا انا اترككم مع القصة

For adults only

Directed by:tony. authors:tony,jonathan.

Corpses in America

Radio:yesterday we discovered 5 corpses on london bridge with a hollowed head and there wasn’t any blood on the floor or in their body and the reaseon is still unknown.
D.David wilson:that’s horrible.
Patient:I don’t like puzzles.
Doctor:me too
Patient:sorry for botheing you.see u later.
Doctor:don’t mention that.i’m under your service.

In home………
Doctor:I’m home
Mrs.david:welcome back honey.how was your day?
Doctor:not very good.
Mrs.david:why what happened?
Doctor:they discovered 5 corpses on london bridge with a hollowed head and there wasn’t any blood on the floor or in their body and the reaseon is still unknown.
Doctor:how are u?
Doctor:what will we eat?
Mrs.david:cheese burger,barbeque and it’s sauce……
Mrs.david:and it’s ready for eating.
Doctor:good because I’m starving.
On the table………
Mrs.david:it seems you aren’t starving,does the food tastes bad?
Doctor:no,but I’m thinking about the accident.
Mrs.david:you seems very tired go and get some sleep
At night…..
Doctor:I must go now.i must meet a friend

At the road……
Narrator:suddenly an accident happened.and the accused wanted doctor Willson to lie to make him innocent.
Doctor:this man (who was the innocent)who was the false man.
In Marvin’s (the friend of the doctor willson)home……….
Willson:hi,every body
Marvin:what do u want to drink?
Willson:I would like a cup of cappuccino.
Marvin:let’s get in the proplem.
Willson:did you hear the radio today?
Willsonقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gif.k meet me tomorrow at the lap to postmortem the victim with an upper class doctors
Marvinقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gif.k.see you later.

At home………(in the bedroom)
Doctor:hi,my dear
Mrs.david:what did you do?
Doctor:we will postmortem the victims at the lap tommorow to know the reason with an upper class of doctors
Narrator:after the end of that day 19\5\2010.now it’s 20\5\2010(6:30 AM)
Doctor:good morning
Mrs.david,mary;good morning
Doctor:I must go now
At the lap…………
Dr.Edddie:we discovered 6 corpses at new york
2:05 AM at 20\5\2010.and we have all of them at our lap
Marvin:and we will postmortem all of them?
Dr.Eddie:yeah we will do.
Another doctor:let’s do it.
After postmorteming…………
Marvin:there isn’t any seen injures.
Dr.Eddie:so,it’s from inside the body.
Another doctor:it’s possible that the 11 corpses was poisoned.
Dr.wilson:do you mean that the water in that place was poisoned?
Dr.Eddie:if the water was poisoned there will be many corpses more than 11.
Another doctor:so we must take a sampling of the water and scan it.
Dr.Eddie:so,we will meet at 21\5\2010.and scan the water.
At night in home………
Narrator:now doctor wilson is having his dinner with his family.
Mrs.david:Mary wants to go to my mum.
Dr.willson (in an angry way):NOOOOOOO
Dr.Wilson:because I said no
Narrator:and at 21\5\2010 (6:53 AM)
Mrs.david:wake up willson
Dr.Willson:let me sleep some time.
Mrs.david:you are late,honey.
Dr.Willson:why?what is the time now?
Mrs.david53 AM
Dr.Willson:whaaaaat?I must go now!
Mrs.david:will you take your breakfast?
Dr.willson:no not now.
At lap…………
Dr.Eddie:I got the sampling of the water to scan it.
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Eddie got a call
Dr.Eddie:I got a call from another lap that says they discovered some microbes and the sample is coming to scan it.
Marvin:the water is clear.
Dr.Willson:I got the sample from the microbes.
After the scan…………
Another doctor:it seems like swine flu.
David willson:it changed from “H1N1” to “H2N5”
Dr.Eddie:I expect a new PANDEMIC
Narrator:now it’s 22\5\2010 1:05 PM
On the road…………
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Willson got a call from his wife.
Mrs.david:where are u going?
Dr.Willson:I’m going to my lap.
Mrs.david:after that?
Dr.Willson:to the clinic….
Mrs.david:after it?
Dr.willson:to the hospital.
Mrs.david:are you still rejecting that Mary will go to my mum?

At the Dr.Willson lap………
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.willson now is thinking how and why this disease phylesis.now he is talking to doctor eddie at the phone
Dr.Eddie:hi,what do you want?
Dr.willson:I want a sample of the microbe.
Dr.Eddieقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gif.k I will send you the sample with a doctor.

At the clinic…………
Nurse:here,take your sample doctor
Narrator:now Dr.Willson will begin the scan at the sample to know the reason.
Dr.Willson:the bectarians looks creepy but It seems like “H1N1”.
Narrator: after the scan. He called Dr.Eddie.
Dr.willson:I discovered that the microbe “H2N5” was “H1N1” but now he is stronger because he took energy from the body of the patient from his blood.
Dr.Eddie:that’s sounds not good.
Dr.willson:yeah I think so.
Narrator:after the call.Dr.willson went to home but while he was on the road Dr.Marvin called him.

Dr.Marvin:I have good news and bad news,the good news is you will study this microbe at New York,America.and the bad news is the place you will study this microbe has 40 victims from this microbe.
Dr.Willsonقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gifhhhh!boy.
Narrator:this day was ended by this call.today is 23\5\2010 (1:00 PM).and he stayed ina hotel.now he is calling Mrs.David his wife.o.k

Dr.Willson:hi,honey.i have just arrived in the hotel.
Mrs.Davidقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gif.k honey.take care for yourself.

Narrator:the days ran fast and today 2\12\2010.Dr.Willson finished his scan and now he is on the plane.the time now (6:30).he is calling Dr.Eddie
Dr.Willson:I invented a curative for the microbe.
Dr.Eddie:Come to my lap as fast as you can I will call the rest of doctors.
At the lap…………(1:00)
Dr.Eddie:I will send some doctors to take the defeater-flu to search for anybody that has this microbe and try the defeater-flu on him.
Dr.Marvin:but we can use it on the sample of the microbe.
Dr.Eddie:No,we can’t,because the microbe die when it’s in the air.but in the body of the patient he is alive……Dr.Willson can you tell us what is the indication of this microbe?
Dr.Willson:Fever,spew (maybe blood),diarrhea,weakness.
Dr.Eddie:tommorow we have a metting and it’s very important at W.H.O at America at 2:00 PM
Narrator: after Dr.Eddie finished his talking.some doctors came with a patient in the ambulance………after the surgery.
At home………
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Eddie called Dr.Willson at the phone:
Dr.Eddie:Guess what?
Dr.Willson:it worked?
Dr.Willson:what should we do?
Dr.Eddie:make another one but make it stronger.
Dr.Eddie:and make it hurry because we have a meeting with the W.H.O tommorow and we must know the result before that meeting.
Dr.Willsonقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gif.k I’ll try.
At home…………………….(5:00)am
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Eddie called Dr.Willson and said:
Dr.Willson said in sleeply way:hi
Dr.Eddie:didn`t worked
Dr.Eddie:iam kiding it worked and in speedly
Dr.Eddie:so be ready to the trip and i`ll take the patient with to be a testimony
At the W.H.O………..(1:00)pm
Dr.Markos:in london,England there is a doctor who invited the curative and it worked so let us scan the patient
After scan………………
Dr.Markos:I see it`s really worked so I allowed to use it but under the order of any doctor in the world
And we will defet this "H2N5"
At the road to home……………..(2:00)pm
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Willson was very happy even he allowed to Mrs.David and Mary to visit her grandMa
At home……………………..
Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Willson found a letter on the table
The letter………………..
Dear Mr.Willson…….
After good morning I want to say your wife and mary is with me they are in safe they back home if you gived me the curative and million $ at last don`t matter my name bye…………

Narratorقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Willson called the cops and they are ine there way
Cops in home………………….
Cop:where were you from two hours?
Dr.Willson:I was in W.H.O
Cop:hhhhhhhhh….not funny
Dr.Willson:no really iam who invented the curative
Cop:do you have an enemy?
Copقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gifk,i`ll leave with you SGT.lenny he will watch the zone, ok?
Dr.Willsonقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gifk
At 5/12/2010……………(1:00)pm
At the clinic……..
Nurceقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Marvy wants to see you
Dr.Willsonقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.giff cource,make him get in
Dr.Marven:how are you?
Dr.Willson:no good
Dr.Marven:why not?
Dr.willson:when I came home I didn`t found my wife and mary
Dr.Marvy:don`t worry did you call the cops?
Dr.Marvy:so what? Don`t worry they will be allright
After 10 days…………………
At 15/12/2010……………….(3:03)pm
At home…………………..
Narrator:the phone is rining and SGT.lenny is listing to the call and………
Unknowen personقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 biggrin.gifr.Willson i`ll say it once meet me at your lap alone if you made any tricks i`ll explosive all the place understand………………….
Dr.Willson: did you hear that ?
SGT.lenny:yes and i`ll the rest of cops now let us go
At the lap…………………..
Dr.Willson:where is my family?
Unknowen person:wait first where is the curative ant money
Cops:not so fast hands up get back
Narrator:he was catched bu cops and Dr.Willson was in the police senter and…….
One of the cops:he said all we want to know and my cop is going to arrest who was behind this
After ten minutes………….
One of the cops: that is him do you know him?
Dr.Willson:who?..........am I dreaming?...no no no
Can`t be Dr.Marven why?
Dr.Marven:I want to do some thing in my life …….i want to be famoues why you?
One of the cops:so you know him what is he belongs to you?
Dr.Willson:he is my best friend do what you please with him
One of the cops:as you like it,he will visit the prison
Dr.Willson:what about my family ?
One of the cops: they are on the way
After 15 minutes…………
Dr.Willson:mary ohhhhh honey how are you ?
Mrs.david and mary:fine
Dr.Willson:letus go to home
Mrs.david and maryقصةانجيليزية تألفى والعضو astra 9500 redface.gifk
At 1/1/2011………………(1:01)pm
Radio:today we discovered 6 corps in America with a new reson a microbe named H10N16

New words

Starving:شديد الجوع
SGT:sergent:رتبة عسكرية هى رقيب
W.H.O:منظمة الصحة العالمية

The End

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة captin . macmillan ; 08-16-2009 الساعة 09:26 PM سبب آخر: خطأ
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