المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : poem about(the lost son)

08-19-2008, 04:43 PM
قصيدة يارب تعجبكم وسامحونى لو فيها اى حاجة مش صح

عن الأبن الضال

he was the younger brother
with an elder one to father
But the two sons hated eash other

the younger wanted to go
to any place.. he didn't know
he hoped to far away
without regret any day

he asked, I want my patrimony

the kind father let him to go
to leave his nurture, saying no
the son went leaving his father's cries,
while the elder son absolutely denies

thus, the son went with a big wealth
to find new life.. at any plot of earth

And in a forigen and far place
, the bad friends came with false grace

quickly the wealthy prince became poor
,and his lossing increasing more and more

as a shephred to pigs, he worked humill,
his internal thinking raised unhappily

and when he tried to eat their food
he couldn't , still walking in ambiguous road

standing and coming back said
I'll return to my field

to his father: I'm repentant ,
make me as a servant

with endless love : come my dear
to people: my son still alive here

he was died and I relived again
he was lost and I found him after pain

Malak sokar
08-19-2008, 09:52 PM
بجد بجد انت فنانة اوووووووي

شعرك رائع ومافيش اي اخطاء ولاجرامر ولا كتابة

وموضوعك اساسا جميل
يارب نرجع كلنا الي حزيرة سيدنا مثل الابن الضال
بس في حاجة عاوزة اسال عنها كلمة ( my apron)
معناها غطاء او مئزر انت تقصدي بيها
مالة ؟؟؟؟؟؟

بجد منورانا

08-20-2008, 12:04 AM
ميرسى جدآ . ربنا يعوض محبتك ويبارك فى خدمتك
كلمة my apron فعلآ تعنى ميدعة أو مئزر ولكنها يمكن ان تأتى ايضآ بمعنى أرث او ميراث = heritage

Stray sheep
12-02-2008, 06:15 AM
Thank you Nana
i really like this English poem
God bless you