المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسماء من العهد القديم ومعانيها

nona queen
02-23-2009, 11:36 PM
Biblical Name - Abel
Christian meaning of name (son) - He was the second son of Adam and
Eve. Also, he was the world's first recorded martyr. He was killed
by his older brother Cain.

Biblical Name - Abigail
Christian meaning of name (mother of joy) - She was the wife of a
wealthy man name Nabal (means - fool) the Calebite. She was a very
intelligent and beautiful woman and her husband was surly and mean.
He had insulted David (He was not yet King) when David had sent word
that he wanted some type of favor from Nabal for being kind to
Nabal's shepherds while they were out in the field.
Now after being insulted by this man, David was planning on killing
Nabal and every man that was in his camp. But Abigail went out to
meet David with a load of food supplies that she was giving to David
for his kindness to Nabal's shepherds.
David was impress and pleased with Abigail, so therefore he decided
not to shed any blood within Nabal's camp. About ten days later the
Lord struck Nabal dead; and when David heard this he sent for
Abigail asking her to be his wife, and she agreed.

Biblical Name - Abimelech
Christian meaning of name (the king is my father) - He was the son
of Gideon the Judge of Israel. Although his father was a great man,
Abimelech was the complete opposite.

Biblical Name - Abishai
Christian meaning of name (father of gift) - He served under King
David as a brave and loyal soldier.

Biblical Name - Abner
Christian meaning of name (father of light) - He was the son of Ner,
and a related cousin to king Saul. He was also a commander in Saul's

Biblical Name - Absalom
Christian meaning of name (my father is peace) - He was the very
handsome son of King David. He kills his brother Amnon after Amnon
rapes their sister Tamar. Absalom also decides to go against his own
father King David, so he can become the new king.

Biblical Name - Daniel
Christian meaning of name - (God is my judge) - He was a prophet and
a nobleman of Judah. He also penned the book "Daniel" which is said
to be one of the most organized books in the bible.

Biblical Name - Abraham
Christian meaning of name (father is exalted) - Was trusted by God
to become the founder and representative of the Hebrew race.

اول مجموعه من سلسله اسماء العهد القديم ومعانيها

هابيل معناه بالمسيحيه (الابن)وقد كان الابن الثانى لادم وحواء وقد قتل على يد اخيه قايين

ابيجايل معناها ام الفرح وقد كانت زوجه رجل غنى يدعى نابال ومعناه الاحمق وقد كانت امراه ذكيه وجميله وزوجها كان رجل قاسيا و ردىء الاعمال وقد اهان الملك داود عندما ارسل لطلب خدمه منه وذلك لمراعاته لمصالحه اثناء وجوده فى الكرمل ولكن بعدما اهانه قرر داود قتل نابال وكل رجال بيته ولكن ابيجايل بحكمتها ذهبت لمقابله داود ومعها كميه كبيره من الطعام وقدمتها له على انها هديه لكرمه وعطفه على رعاياه وقد سر داود بابيجيل وقرر عدم سفك اى دماء فى حقل نابال وبعد 10 ايام مات نابال وتزوج داود بابيجايل

ابيمالك معناه الملك والدى وقد كان ابن جدعون ملك اسرائيل وعلى الرغم من ان والده كان صالحا ولكنه كان على النقيض تماما منه

ابيشاى معناه الموهبه وقد خدم الملك داود كجندى شجاع ومخلص له

ابنير معناه اب النور وقد كان ابن نير وابن عم الملك شاول وكان قائد جيش شاول

ابشالوم معناه اب السلام وقد كان وسيم الشكل وهو ابن داود الملك وقد قتل اخاه امنون عندما دنس اخته ثامار واضطجع معها كما قرر ان يقف ضد داود ابوه طمعا فى الملك

دانيال معناه الرب هو قاضي وقد كان نبيا ورجل من نبلاء بنى يهوذا كما كتب سفر دانيال الذى يعتبر من اهم اسفار الانجيل

ابراهيم معناه الاب الاعظم او المعظم وكان يحبه الله حتى اعطاه ان يكون اب لكل الجيل اليهودى او الاسرائيلى

Malak sokar
02-24-2009, 02:50 PM
اللة عليكي بجد
روعة اوي وربنا يبارك تعب محبتك ويحافظ عليكي يانونا روعة

nona queen
02-25-2009, 04:09 PM
ربنا يخليكى لى يا ملاكى يا حبيبه قلبى يا غاليه
دايما رافعه معنوياتى انا مش ممكن اكون حاجه جنبك
ربنا يباركك يا سكر